Monday, June 4, 2018

Despite Most Victories In MLB, Red Sox Are Ranked 3rd In Composite Listing

Your 2018 Carmine Hose enjoy the most wins in all of baseball—41 at the start of the new week. They also hold a one-game advantage in the American League East over The Pinstriped Posers (despite some funky standings by certain media outlets). Nevertheless, according to the PowerRankingsGuru website (which compiles multiple rankings from across the Web), Boston is listed at #3. Apparently, the average rank for the Red Sox this week is 3.2—while both the Astros and Evil Ones come in at 1.8. Interestingly, all three top teams held the exact same position they had last week. The Cubbies and Nationals, however, did swap positions—with Chicago moving up to #4 and the Nats falling to #5. You can view the entire 30-team MLB ranking HERE.