Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Empire Nemeses Trot And 'Tek Celebrate Birthdays In Their Forties Today

(Getty Images)
It's fitting that both Trot Nixon and Jason Varitek celebrate birthdays today—as the Red Sox are in the midst of a Yankee series at Fenway Park. After all—aside from David Ortiz and Pedro Martinez—it's hard to find any other Carmine Hosers who so vexed The Bronx Embalmers. Who can forget Trot's defiant ninth-inning home run off a taunting Roger Clemens in May of 2000? And, of course, is there any more iconic image of the Sox-Empire feud than the take-down of Alex "A-Fraud" Rodriguez by The Captain in 2004? So, as Varitek turns 46 and Trot turns 44 today, we wish them the best and—in their honor—another Red Sox romp tonight.