Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Red Sox Head Back Onto '.495 South'; Lose, 6-3

Photo by Jim Rogash/Getty Images
After losing 6-3 to the Texas Rangers on Tuesday night, the Red Sox fell back under .500 again (.495 to be precise), and are within hours of yielding the Regional Sports Focus to the football team down I95 South. Jon Lester pitched five solid innings, then devolved into the whiny guy we've seen most of 2012—complaining about missed calls by umpires and, ultimately, pitching well enough for his team to lose. Will Middlebrook gave the Fenway Faithful a little thrill with a pinch-hit three-run home run that brought the Carmine Hose within one run. Mark Melancon, however, guaranteed the loss with another bad relief outing. See you all on .495 South!