Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Josh Beckett: Trade Rumors Caused Me Anxiety

PR Flak Needed!
Josh Beckett is in serious need of PR advice. In the midst of what should have been an innocuous interview today delivering good news about him, the headlines will be quite different. Beckett reported that his back had improved enough that he will start in tomorrow's matinee against Texas. In addition, his radio interview on WAAF helped promote his highly praiseworthy annual charity event—The Beckett Bowl on August 20th. This is one of the most effective charity events put on by any sports figure in Boston. So far, so good. Then, when pressed, he stated that part of the anxiety he's been feeling was due to the swirl of trade rumors that circulated around the July 31st deadline. No, no, no! Anxiety is being unemployed in a recession. Anxiety is struggling to pay the bills. Anxiety is not a multi-millionaire having hurt feelings because his revenue stream might shift zip codes. Get this poor guy a mouthpiece!