Tuesday, July 31, 2012

SHOCKER: Salty May Be On The Trading Block

Salty May Be On The Move
In a surprise development, multiple reports suggest that the Red Sox are offering up Jarrod Saltalamacchia in trade talks. The conventional wisdom—including here—assumed that Kelly Shoppach would be the catcher moved by the deadline. However, Saltalmacchia clearly has more value right now than Shoppach—having clouted a career-high 20 home runs so far this year. Trading either backstop would open the door for Ryan Lavarnway (who is doing very well in AAA) to finally come up to the big club. Salty and a few other pieces would possibly bring back a reasonably good starting pitcher from the remaining available stock (Garza, Shields, Vargas, Dempster). Maybe Ben Cherington feels that—given his stand pat position over the Winter—he needs to make some sort of splash now. Fasten your seats belts until 4PM!