Wednesday, September 14, 2016

FenwayNation Three Years Ago Today: Sox Beat Empire

It's always fun to look back to how things were viewed during the last championship run of your Carmine Hose. Exactly three years ago today, we were celebrating a stirring victory over The Bronx Embalmers, 8-4. Things were knotted up at four—after John Lackey blew a four-run lead—when Jarrod Saltalamacchia unloaded a salami to put the dagger in The Pinstriped Posers. The win reduced the Sox Magic Number to win the division down to 7 (it's 17 today). Junichi Tazawa and Koji Uehara nailed down the win in the eighth and ninth, respectively. Ah, those were the days! You can see the full FN page for that day HERE.