Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fittingly, Sox Lose The Final Game Of A Dismal Season

(AP Photo)
It's hard to believe that the 2015 Carmine Hose were 7-3 after the first ten games of this season. On April 4th, they opened the year on the road and Clay Buchholz beat Cole Hamels 8-0 in Philly. They finished the year today with Rick Porcello losing to 3-1 to Danny Salazar in Cleveland. A lot happened in between, but the inescapable conclusion is that—with just 78 wins—this was another horrific year. Three of the last four seasons, the Red Sox have finished in last place. That's an indictment on the entire organization—owners, management, and players. It is an unacceptable result in this town. There was a lot of hope in the performance of a core of young players this year—but that will not be enough in 2016. Winning and contention is the only alternative. Have a great winter Sox fans—stay with us for complete coverage of what should be one of the most active off-seasons ever.