Sunday, August 4, 2013

Jake Peavy Pitches Like An Ace; Sox Win, 5-2

(Photo by Jared Wickerham/Getty Images)
If there was any doubt about what the Red Sox got in their trade deadline deal, it was erased in seven superb innings on Saturday night in a 5-2 win. New starter Jake Peavy gave up just four hits and two runs in those seven innings, earning a rousing standing ovation from the 37,000 plus at Fenway when he left the game. Boston was clinging to a 3-2 lead until Jarrod Saltalamacchia clouted a two-run HR in the 8th to add some padding for Koji Uehara's 10th Red Sox save. It would have been a 3-3 tie had not Jonny Gomes gunned down Cliff Pennington at home in the eighth. Shane Victorino had two RBIs—including a solo HR. Boston maintained their 1-game edge on the Rays.