Arredondao & Bauman (AP Photo) |
Marathon bombing hero
Jeff Bauman was interviewed today on
WEEI's Dennis & Callahan Morning Show and recounted the harrowing story of his experiences on that fateful Patriots' Day. Bauman, who lost both his legs that day, had the presence of mind to give a description of the older terrorist brother (Tamerian Tsarnaev) to police authorities. Bauman said he saw an odd guy who was not having a good time like
everyone else at the Marathon finish line. He saw him putting down the bomb-laden backpack—wearing dark glasses and a black hat. This allowed authorities to dramatically narrow the search of videos and photos and much more quickly identify the assailants. Bauman also talked about his emotional reunion with the man who saved his life— the cowboy-hat wearing hero
Carlos Arredondo. Arredondo stayed with Bauman all the way to the hospital—keeping pressure on his severed artery. Asked about his feelings toward the terrorist he identified, Bauman stated,
"He's dead and I'm still here".