Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Red Sox 2013 Can't Possibly Be As Bad As 2012

Hey, at least we have the realistic hope that this newly dawning year will be better than the last. Chances are very good that your 2013 edition of the Carmine Hose will not lose 93 games. Think about it, we've sunk so low, that getting to .500 will be considered a successful season. Remember those promises by the NOG of perennial 90-plus win excellence? Well, that's all gotten lost in the fog of Sellouts and Centennials. We have been numbed by that silver shiny thing called "America's Most Beloved Ballpark". Wake up, Nation. Demand that this ownership meet those early pledges and give you your money's worth. Prudence and discipline be damned, we want rings. Happy New Year.