Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Missive From Chairman John On NYC Meeting

Chairman John
In the wake of MeetingGate, Red Sox principal owner John Henry sent an e-mail to beat writers today. Basically, he denied that any players called for Bobby V's head in the July 26th 'owners-players meeting' in New York. Formulating a concept that can only be termed Red Sox Omerta, Henry stated the following about this 'code of silence':

"First of all for more than a decade we have had a code among players, staff and ownership that our meetings are private and do not leave the room. There is one reason for that. It enables all of us to openly discuss important issues." [EMPHASIS ADDED]

Henry also fell back on the "We are all on the same page" mantra that is so embarrassingly untrue in the wake of everything that has happened this season. Nothing to see here, move on! How out-of-touch is this ownership group?