Saturday, September 1, 2018

Apparently, Sox Brass Were Ordering Pizza Or Drafting NFL Fantasy Teams

What we thought was a scoop for FenwayNation last week, turned out to be something less. Our picture of a high-level meeting at a Fenway Park conference room appeared to be about a possible waiver-deadline trade. Dave Dombrowski, Sam Kennedy and even John Henry were huddled around the table in deep concentration. Alas, Boston punted at the deadline—neglecting clear needs in the bullpen (and maybe even the starting rotation). So, maybe they were ordering out Chinese or Domino's (wait, it would have to be Regina's, right?). Or possibly they were haggling over their NFL fantasy draft picks (Editor's Note: both of these suggestions were provided to us by readers). Well, with Henry present it was probably an EPL fantasy league. In any event, the Red Sox are today less prepared for the September run-up to the post-season thanks to inaction by The Carmine Hose 'management' team.