Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Red Sox Maintain Fourth Spot In MLB Power Rankings

Despite losing seven of their last ten games (and three of their last five), the Red Sox somehow maintained their fourth place position in the MLB PowerRankings this week. Sitting at exactly ten games over .500—and with a slim 2-game lead on Tampa—The Carmine Hose seem to be once again resembling the Raiders Of The Lost Offense of days past. In any event, the Los Angeles Dodgers stayed at the top spot of the rankings, followed by the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals. After the Sox is a new fifth place holder—the Milwaukee Brewers. The Bronx Embalmers dropped from #8 last week down to #11 today. The Blue Jays—current opponents of the Red Sox—find themselves in 20th position on the rankings list. The Rays moved up one spot, from #10 to #9.