Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Could 'Kung Fu Panda' Be Headed To Fenway?

(Christopher Hanewinckel, Reuters)
Most of the speculation about the Red Sox search for third base help (in the wake of placing Will Middlebrooks on the DL) has focused on players like Chase Headley, Mike Moustakas, Todd Frazier and even the ancient Eric Chavez. But an even more intriguing possibility has emerged in the last couple of days—Pablo Sandoval, the Kung Fu Panda himself. Sandoval has had a miserable start to his 2014 season (.220 AVG/.279 OBP/.340 SLG). And, he's only got three home runs in 172 plate appearances. In short, since the Giants have been looking to deal him since forever, this might be a perfect time for Boston to pounce on him for a minimal cost. The Panda's contract is up this year, so he has an incentive to 'pick it up' in a new city. Don't forget, the man has a career .293 batting average with an .815 OPS. And, I think we all recall what he did in the 2012 World Series. Moreover, can you imagine how the fans of Boston would embrace PandaMonium? It would be epic.