Friday, October 18, 2013

BOOK: A-Rod Entertained Hookers 2-At-A-Time

(Boston Herald Photo)
No wonder he needed "performance-enhancing drugs"! According to a report in the New York Post, a new book claims Alex Rodriguez 'entertained' prostitutes—sometimes two-at-a-time—at his pricey Central Park West apartment. The book, 'House of Outrageous Fortune: Fifteen Central Park West, The World’s Most Powerful Address' by Michael Gross, cites building workers who claim The Fraudulent One "... got hookers all the time. Usually two at a time, two times a week. One time he had two go up, they came down and left, and 10 minutes later, Cameron Diaz walks in." Hello! Apparently, the workers didn't care for A-Fraud personally, either. Said one, "He was a douche, an unfriendly narcissist. I hate the guy. He thought he was God." Or at least a Centaur-God, right? Anyway, A-Rod flak Ron Berkowitz (of course) denies it all: "This is a further effort to fabricate scandal around Alex. The allegations concerning prostitutes are categorically false." Maybe he could use some of these "character witnesses" at his appeals hearing.