Saturday, October 13, 2012

The 'Mauer The Merrier' For The Red Sox?

Rick Osentoski-US PRESSWIRE
Looking for a warming thought this chilly Fall day? How about the idea—floated by the Globe's Nick Cafardo—that the Red Sox might be interested in dealing for Twins catcher Joe Mauer. While starting pitching is the top off-season priority for the Carmine Hose, they could use a big bopper in the middle of the line-up. According to Cafardo, Mauer could serve as both a catcher and first baseman—allowing the Sox to choose between Saltalamacchia and Lavarnway as the other backstop. Apparently, Mauer does not have Boston on his no-trade list and resides in Fort Myers—which is also the Twins Spring Training site. Mauer hit .319 with 10 HRs and 85 RBIs in 147 games in 2012. He also sported a .416 on-base percentage—a stat the Red Sox still covet in players.