Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sox Still Lusting After John Farrell As Skipper

Is Larry In The Mix Again?
Talk about your man crushes! With all the denials coming out of the Great White North, the Red Sox are still staring longingly at Blue Jays manager John Farrel to take over the Carmine Hose. The Globe's Peter Abraham is reporting today that if Larry Lucchino can reach a compensation accord with his good buddy Paul Beeston in Toronto, the former Sox pitching coach could be the new skipper. Of course, therein lies the rub—or, rather therein lies the Rubby. Word is that our fine feathered friends to the North are looking for Rubby De La Rosa as compensation—the premier pitching prospect we got in the Great Nick Punto Trade. That's not happening. And Clay Buchholz isn't going to need a Canadian Visa either (the guy the Jays asked for the last time we wanted Farrell). Our guess is either Toronto accepts a couple of middle-level prospects or Tony Pena becomes the new skipper just after the Evil Ones are eliminated from the playoffs on Wednesday night.