Monday, August 20, 2012

Bobby V: "I'd Sell My Soul" For Better Numbers

Bobby With A Young Fan In Happier Times (FN Photo)
In a fairly depressing interview with Ian O'Connor of, Bobby Valentine sounded like a guy totally resigned to his fate. Despite taking full responsibility for the Red Sox dismal 59-63 record ("I'm the manager"), he feels he's done his best. Said Valentine:

"But I've done the best I can do here, and that's all I can ask of myself. I would do anything to change the numbers. I'd sell my soul."

Calling the Red Sox managerial job "as tough a job as you can have", he bemoaned the fact that he came on-board knowing virtually nothing about the Boston organization: "I knew nothing here, and I like to know everything." Bobby V. is no dummy, he sees the handwriting on the wall—and it's not punctuated with happy faces.