Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pedroia Wants To Play Through Torn Muscle

The Muddy Chicken Dives On Memorial Day
Dustin Pedroia being Dustin Pedroia, the feisty second baseman wants to play through what he admitted last night is a torn abductor muscle in his thumb. The Muddy Chicken put it this way:

"It’s a muscle so I’m just waiting to see how I feel the next couple of days. The swelling in my thumb has gone down. The bruising has gone down so we’re just waiting to see if I could play."

He is the Anti-Drew, this amazing dirtball of an All-Star/MVP. No doubt if he could somehow get the crack Red Sox medical staff to fashion some sort of miracle replacement thumb, he would go for it. To paraphrase Apocalypse Now's Colonel Kurtz:

 "If I had ten rosters of those men, then our troubles here would be over very quickly."