Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sox Fans Need To Re-Ugly Empire Rivalry

Daniel Barbarisi of the Wall Street Journal (who knew they had sportswriters?) has thrown down the gauntlet. The 2012 Red Sox, he avers, are too "namby-pamby" to hate. The reason? Many of the villains Yankee fans loved to hate (Papelbon, Theo, Tito) are gone and the replacements are—according to Barbarisi—"New York-friendly". People like Mark Melancon (the original heir apparent to Mariano Rivera), Andrew Bailey (New Jersey native) and Bobby V. (Mets connection).

So, in order not to disappoint our good friends in Benghazi-by-the Hudson, we need to ramp up our obnoxiousness—you know, to the level that would really tick off a Wall Street Journal elitist or just a run-of-the-mill moron like Luke Scott.