Friday, March 30, 2012

OPINION: In Defense Of Curt Schilling

by Ernie Paicopolos, Editor-In-Chief

We're pretty sure that Curt Schilling can defend himself from the slings and arrows of a jealous mainstream media. But, we want to chime in anyway. A few days ago, Curt stated on WEEI's air that—based on conversations he has had with current Red Sox players—things are going badly with new manager Bobby Valentine. This has been met by outrage from members of the local sports media—parituclarly Peter Abraham, Michael Holley and Chad Finn. Ironically, these are three of the finest members of the media—but they are dead wrong about Schilling.

As Gerry Callahan rightly pointed out this morning, Curt Schilling is being vilified for simply doing his job. He is an ESPN Baseball Analyst, and as such, he is expected to opine on matters baseball. When he discovers that there may be a rift between Bobby V. and his team, he is supposed to report it—that's what the media does. It's not "hypocrisy" as Finn alleges simply because it's in the clubhouse and not on the field. Since when does the mainstream media make those distinctions?

There is another dirty little secret connected with attitudes toward Schilling. Curt is not the right flavor of political persuasion for the media establishment in Boston—or for the ownership of the Red Sox for that matter. If he were the politically-correct flavor, the outrage would be tempered. Anyone who denies this connection is just flat out lying. It's a fact of life in Massachusetts.

Shame on the mainstream sports media for this attack on Schilling. It is they who are exhibiting hypocrisy.