Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mackanin By Thanksgiving?

New Red Sox GM Ben Cherington (BenCher) announced that he hoped to have a new field manager in place by the 8th anniversary of 'Great Curt Schilling Thanksgiving Heist'.

The way the Sox trotted out Phillies bench coach Pete Mackanin to the media, you'd have thought the job was his already. Mackanin, who has only had 'interim' managing experience in the majors, said all the right things about managers needing to be tough on players at times, etc., etc. He's obviously smart enough to know how to play to this audience. And that's a good thing. But the nine hours of grilling by the NOG makes you wonder whether they're searching for a pliant 'yes' man that will bow to the whims of you-know-who. 'Windmill' Dale Svuem comes in for the nine-hour treatment today.