Friday, October 28, 2011

Larry L: Sox Skeptical Of FAs

In a wide-ranging and often combative interview on WEEI's Dennis & Callahan Morning Show, Red Sox President & CEO Larry Lucchino suggested that the embattled 2011 team did not need a major overhaul—citing the fact that they were 30 games over .500 on September 1st.

He also made it clear that he (and it's pretty clear who is in charge now) will be a little more gun-shy of big-ticket free agency. He also expressed a desire to keep both David Ortiz and Jonathan Papelbon—the two big free-agents from the current team.

Lucchino got into multiple verbal scrums with Gerry Callahan, particularly over a recent column critical of Sox owner John Henry. All in all, good commuting radio on a morning when the term "black ice" haunted Hub motorists.