Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FN Poll Results: Theo's Best

So far, respondents to FenwayNation's latest poll are about equally divided as to which move was Theo Epstein's best. Roughly the same percentage name the trade for Curt Schilling (29.6%) and the drafting of Dustin Pedroia (29.1%) as the top move. Signing Papi comes in third at 20.4%, followed by the Ellsbury signing at 9.2%. Trailing were the Nomar trade at 6.8%, the signing of Millar and Muellar at 3.9% and the drafting of Papelbon (0.5%) and Buchholz (0.5%).No one as yet has chosen the signing of Keith Foulke.

You can still vote in the poll HERE.