Friday, September 16, 2011

Grand Funk FailRoad

This is starting to get an air of inevitability about it. With three head-to-head games to go, the Sox now lead Tampa by only three, after losing on Thursday night. A fluke broken-bat missile got the scoring rolling, but it was the pathetic Red Sox offense that told the real tale in the 9-2 drubbing.

Their 3-11 September is looking a lot like their April. Which team should we count on? The one that scored double-digit runs 20-some odd times, or the guys who look like they never saw a change-up before in their lives? Damned if we know.

So, now Friday's Beckett-Shields bout becomes the new "biggest game of the year". If our ace can't beat Tampa, we will have the recently ineffective Lester and Tim Wakefield to prevent a flat-footed Wild Card tie on Monday morning. Did I mention David Price is pitching Sunday?

Go Liverpool!