We do feel that the team needs shaking up—but only with sensible actions. Thus, our set of modest proposals to right the Good Ship Carmine Hose:
1.) Make Jed Lowrie the permanent SS. The kid can hit, he's a credible defender and he deserves a starting role. If he fails, put Scutaro back. No big deal.;
2.) Explore trade opportunities now for an everyday catcher. The Salty/Tek thing is not working out. The former can't throw or hit consistently, the latter is really showing his age.;
3.) Put Dice-K on the DL with 'Fenway Flu'; make Aceves the 5th starter. Maybe Dice-K can get his head on straight in a AAA rehab. Aceves has starting experience, and could not possibly be worse than Matsuzaka.;
4.) Put Ellsbury back in the lead-off spot. He belongs there. He can be the spark the offense needs. Show the same patience they had with Pedroia in his rookie year. Stick with him.;
5.) Hit Carl Crawford 5th. He doesn't like leading off, fine. Pedroia is your number 2, end of story. Gonzalez has to hit 3rd to maximize his at-bats. Youk is the only logical clean-up guy. Crawford fits in the five hole. Shut up, hit, steal some bases.
That's it. FenwayNation's five modest proposals to make things right.